
Filed by: Apple Inc.

Inventor: claimed inventor: Steve Porter Hotelling, Wei Chen, Christoph Horst Krah, John Greer Elias, Wei Hsin Yao, John Z. Zhong, Andrew Bert Hodge, Brian Richards Land, Willem den Boer

Prio date: 2006-06-09

Citation: Anders Swedin, Integritouch prior art.

Missing legal right:  No legal right use Integritouch patented IPR.


The Secrets of the Swedish judicial system

Imagine that your own country’s tax-financed legal system silently allows prosecutors and judges to conduct side business outside their tax-paid work – without any external control.

For many years, some of these trusted people turn over a few hundred thousand kronor every year, some several million, in their own low-tax registered limited companies. There are no rules about conflict in most countries.

Thinking of doing business with Sweden?

Read how it went when we were founded by our own people. In the country far from ISO37000.


Imagine that your own country’s tax-financed innovation supervisor guides you right into the misery of the world.

Are you thinking of doing business with Sweden, read what we were about, how it went when we were foulded by our own people.



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